Afro Van Connect Society is a Non-Profit dedicated to empowering people of African Descent through art, conversation, collaboration, & performance. We accomplish this by cultivating gathering spaces of vibrant, creative minds committed to develop innovating authentic solutions, to increase the visibility of the underrepresented diasporic youth and communities. We offer a creative capitol platform where shared opportunities and resources are designed to support liberating education and sustainable solutions. We are dedicated to building a platform that celebrates our shared story and our collective accomplishments.

AVC first gathering was in 2019 our goal was to bring together a wide range of African descent youth, artists, students, designers, planners, and professionals working and living in British Columbia. These gatherings were organized as check in points for our community. We began to discuss what matters to us, what we wanted to create, and how we want to define ourselves as a collective. Our events our intergenerational and interdisciplinary.

Our Why ?

Anti-Blackness and racism in Canada is pervasive and requires careful consideration and attention to ensure all Canadians rights and liberties are intact. We understand that part of this issue lies in the lack of spaces of connection and healing for the African Descent community. Our Black Spaces Initiative is our solution to that issue. We aim to continue providing Black-Lead community gatherings, traditional cultural practices, programs and events.

AVC Core Values

Community Amplify the visibility and voices of those who live within the margins.

Compassion Hold space for authentic self expression, self love, and Art.

Collaboration Be a bridge for connection and expansion.